Music Photography Tuition

During the Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdown, I set up 2020 Vision Photography Workshops, in partnership with Nidge Sanders of Trust A Fox Photography fame. Nidge is a seasoned professional tour photographer, who has worked with the likes of The Charlatans and Slow Readers Club, but is perhaps best known for his work with Manchester legends, James.
The idea was to provide hands on tuition for photographers, who wanted to improve their live music photography skills, in front of a real band at a proper music venue.
Adhering to the rules in place at the time, we managed to run a workshop for 12 eager photographers at Club Academy, Manchester University, complete with an engineer and live band.
We talked about what makes a great live music image stand out from a good one, the process of how to get those images and the types of equipment required and techniques involved. Other topics covered included the 4 Ps - Pit etiquette, photo passes, pre-gig preparation and post-processing. Each delegate received a copy of the slides to take away.
Delegates were then set loose to put theory into practice, with local scene legends The Battery Farm, playing a 45 minute set.
We are planning to run more of these in the coming year, with a separate "Live" online module specifically dealing with Post Processing, with real time examples, to be held post-shoot.
To register your interest or get more details please complete a Contact Form here.